
Two paintings will hang for one year (June 2021 till May 2022) at gallery/shoppingcenter Balthasar in the heart of Brussels (Zavel/Sablon).

International group expo in New Jorg Gallery

From the 25th of April till the 9th of May 2021, international expo in New Jorg Gallery in Kalmthout, Belgium. Artists from Syria, Ukrain, Slovakia, India, Italy and Belgium.  Seven of my works will be exhibited there (one charcoal drawing and 6 paintings). You will be able to meet me there on the 25th of…


Als compensatie voor het niet doorgaan van de ACAF (Accesible Art Fair) beurs in de Bozar dit jaar omwille van Corona en ook om de kunstenaars te steunen in deze moeilijke tijden organiseert ACAF een online POPUP verkoop waaronder ook vier kleinere werken van mijn hand. Meer info: We have handpicked some previous participants of…

Omwarm de kunstenaar

Beste cultuurvrienden, Omwarm de kunstenaar. Het is al een heel speciaal jaar geweest, vele artiesten in binnen- en buitenland hebben het moeilijk om te overleven in deze tijden. Daarom deze tentoonstelling met een 100-tal werken van 40 artiesten met kortingen van 10 tot 50% per werk. De werken zijn van artiesten die de laatste 5…

Solo Expo in Le Neuf Gallery

I’m very happy to invite you to the opening of the exhibition “Disrupted Reality” by Manu De Mey, which will run in Le Neuf Gallery from the 30th of August until the 24th of October, 2020. Expo is from 30/08/20 till 24/10/20. Open every Friday and Saturday afternoon between 14 and 18h.     The…

Catawiki Online Auction

From today the 17th till the 28th of April I am featured as “Trending Artist of The Week” on online auction website Catawiki. You will be able to place a bid on 20 paintings, 5 charcoal and 5 pencil drawings. More info on  

Selected for EuropArtFair Amsterdam

Selected to participate in EuropArtFair in Amsterdam from 6 – 8 of December 2019. VIP preview Friday December 6 17.00 – 21:00 Fair weekend Saturday December 7 11.00 – 17.30 Sunday December 8 11.00 – 17.30 Standard entry ticket 15 euro (presale 9,90 euro) More info on

Online auction on Catawiki

From today (29th of November) until the 8th of December I am featured as “Trending Artist of The Week” on online auction website Catawiki. You will be able to place a bid on 19 paintings and 5 charcoal drawings. More info on  

Selected for ACAF 2019

I am very proud to announce that I have been selected for ACAF 2019 which will take place in Bozar, Brussels in october. OCTOBER 10: 18-22 VIP OPENING OCTOBER 11: 11-20 DAY-TIME OPEN TO PUBLIC OCTOBER 12: 11-18 DAY-TIME OPEN TO PUBLIC OCTOBER 12: 19-22 SPECIAL DJ NIGHT WITH SIMON DE PURY OCTOBER 13: 11-19…

Open Ateliers Antwerpen

I will be participating in Open Ateliers Antwerpen on 21-22 and 28-29 september 2019 where you will be able to see a group expo of more than 60 artists at Zuiderpershuis, Antwerpen and visit the atelier of any of those artists (including me). zaterdag 21 en zondag 22 september 2019 zaterdag 28 en zondag 29…

Solo exposition “Ambigu”

From 3 till 14 juli there will be a solo exposition in the new popup gallery Conscience20 in the historical centre of Antwerp (right next to the beautiful Sint-Carolus Borromeuskerk). You are most welcome every day from 11h till 18h (except monday). Vernissage Wednesday on July 3rd from 17h30 till 21h. See you there!…

Expo 167 group exposition

We are organising a Group Exposition in a popup space in the very hip “Zuid” part of Antwerp, Kloostersraat 167. Open daily from May 30 until June 2, 11h00 – 19h00. Vernissage: May 30th 19u00 – 22h00. be there!  

Virtual tour of Open House Expo

We had a Open House Expo in the weekend of 16-17 march 2019. You can view a virtual tour of this expo where some background info and ‘secrets’ are revealed by excellent guide Hildegard: After starting the video, click on the fullscreen icon in the bottomright to view bigger. For english subtitels, click on the…


Participation with 2 artworks in an Art Installation from several Academy artists at Gebermte, a 2 week open air Art Expo in Mortsel (Antwerp). The two blue faces are mine.  

Burning Man

One of my 3D works was featured in the Center Café of the Burning Man festival at Black Rock City, Nevada, USA. Also Hildegard designed her own dress out of a textile printed version of the same artwork.  

3D art in S.M.A.K.

Five of my 3D works were featured in a special installation in art museum S.M.A.K. in Gent, Belgium where you could post an image on Instagram with a special hashtag and it would be featured on a framed screen for one minute.